PT BIA Officially Hands Over 100% of Plasma Land to Communities of Ulayat Owners
20 August 2021
Merauke, August 20 2021, PT. Bio Inti Agrindo (PT. BIA) handed over the entire plasma area to the customary owners who are members of the Mandob Sejahtera Cooperative, the total area handed over was 6,867 Ha.
The signing of the addendum to the plasma area handover agreement took precedence over several previous meetings attended by the parties involved, both in person and online (considering the high number of positive cases of Covid-19 in the Merauke area). Each party has understood and finally agreed to the points contained therein.
Consistently since 2016 PT.BIA has distributed Plasma in stages, beginning with the formation of a cooperative, the distribution of phase 1 plasma, then the handover of the Plasma area of stage 2 (final stage) this August. Plasma plantations provide additional income and continue to increase in line with the plan to harvest phase 2 of plasma
Plasma at PT.BIA/ Mandob Sejahtera Cooperative partners with companies, not only ensuring the supply of FFB (fresh fruit bunches) for palm oil, but also contributing to producing sustainable palm products in accordance with ISPO (Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil) and RSPO (Roundtable Sustainable Palm Oil) standards
As a concrete manifestation of the company's commitment to helping plasma farmers to continue to grow, the company provides technical assistance, seminars as well as training to increase productivity and also apply sustainable plantation best practices.
Due to the realization of this Plasma Plantation, PT.BIA has complied with Indonesian Agricultural Regulations No. 26/Permentan/OT.140/2/2007 as well as beyond to Corporate Citizenship, namely by making as many positive contributions as possible to the surrounding community.
Representing the entire community, the Head of the Mandob Sejahtera Multi-Business Cooperative PPS, Mr. Charles Mahuze Milafo, expressed his gratitude to PT.BIA for completing 20% of the Plasma plantation, said Charles ending the agenda of welcoming the addendum agreement.
This activity was attended by the President Director of PT.BIA Kong Byoung Sun, Head of the Merauke Industry, Trade and UMK Merauke Agriculture Service Eric Y.B Rumlus S.sos, Head of the Food Crops Agriculture and Horticulture of Merauke Regency Ratna Lauce M.Si and Cooperative Management Charles Mahuze, Stevanus Silau Mahuze, Donatur Mahuze Kewam, Emanuel Ruseno Mahuze, Rosalino Mahuze Milafo as well as NGOs and several PT.BIA employees, the activity took place following strict health protocols at the Swisbell Merauke Hotel.