PT BIA Collaborates with the Natural Resources Conservation Center in Papua
31 October 2023
The president director of PT Bio Inti Agrindo (BIA) and the head of the Papua Natural Resources Conservation Center (BBKSDA) signed a cooperation agreement to strengthen the function of conservation areas, efforts to Increase biodiversity and community empowerment around the Lake Bian Wildlife Reserve (SM) in Papua.
This momentous occasion was also attended by officials from the Directorate General of KSDAE (Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation) and BBKSDA Papua, as well as the staff of BIA. The signing was held at the Sahira Hotel Bogor on Oct. 20, 2023.
The crude palm oil (CPO) producer has carried out operations in Merauke on the island of Papua for some time, particularly managing over 34,000 hectares of oil palm plantations. The company also has a strong commitment to sustainability that focuses on the No Deforestation, No Peat and No Exploitation (NDPE) campaign.
Furthermore, PT BIA is striving for a vision of "Becoming an integrated sustainable palm oil company that contributes to the community" which is supported by having obtained ISPO, RSPO and ISO certificates.
Similarly across the archipelagic country, Papua is known for its unique ecosystem and distinct richness in biodiversity and Lake Bian Wildlife Reserve is working toward maintaining that.
Additionally, the island serves as a catchment area for Australian migratory birds, reptiles and other endemic birds such as the Sea Eagle, Bondol Eagle, Nuri Aru, Frog-billed Owl and the famous Cendrawasih, also known as the Bird of Paradise.
"It is great to be able to collaborate with the government in protecting the environment as well as empowering local communities; hopefully this cooperation will run smoothly and have a positive impact on nature and social life,” said Hyun Chang Seop, president of BIA.
The statement was also echoed by Bae Gyutae, the company’s sustainability head, during the discussion of the Program Implementation Plan and Annual Work Plan (RPP-RKT). The collaboration was also well-received from the other party involved.
"PT BIA's concession and the Lake Bian Wildlife Reserve are side by side and it is because of this that the functions of the natural conservation areas need to be strengthened by way of good cooperation and mutual support. The role of PT BIA is to support the management of conservation areas,” added A.G. Martana as Head of the Papua BBKSDA.
Director of RKK, Mr. Munawir, is cautious about the preservation efforts and brought up expected obstacles, such as the long dry season caused by the El Niño climate phenomenon, which has resulted in an increased need for preparation, facilities and infrastructure for fire management.
He also advised that the key for successful cooperation is good communication between parties. Both parties also agreed that community participation is a key factor to successfully manage the vast area.
The collaboration is planned to cover area protection, empowerment of surrounding communities, institutional strengthening and biodiversity conservation. Moreover, biodiversity conservation support will be implemented through the inventorying and monitoring of wild plants and animals, supporting transit facilities to release animals, monitoring fires and patrols carried out in a participatory manner with alongside the local communities in the activities of the Indonesia Forest Rangers Community Partnership (MMP) and the Fire Awareness Community (MPA).