

08 June 2021
2012 Mangrove
2021 Mangrove
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PT.Bio Inti Agrindo (PT.BIA) has strong commitment to protecting the environment. On Tuesday, 8 June 2021, PT. BIA again planted hundreds of mangrove trees at the Angke Kapuk Nature Reserve Park, Jakarta.

This activity is one of the company's regular CSR activities. About 30 employees and the board of directors also attended this activity. (Employees have carried out an antigen test beforehand and still maintain health protocols during the event).

Legal General Manager RGK Handari said he was happy to be back planting mangroves here. "Hopefully the mangroves that we plant can grow and develop, so that it is beneficial for the balance of the ecosystem"

The employees who attended looked enthusiastic and did not hesitate to plant mangroves directly at the location provided by the committee. The bright face when planting radiated because he believed that protecting mangroves now could protect the future.

The fact about Mangrove Forests is that besides being able to absorb large waves including tsunamis, they can also absorb five times more carbon dioxide than tropical forests in the highlands. Equally important is its function as a habitat and shelter for several types of wild animals.

Not only once has this type of activity been carried out, PT. BIA has also taken part in protecting and managing around 6,000 ha of high conservation value areas in its operational area in Merauke, Papua.