Penanaman 100 Pohon Buah di Perkebunan PT BIA
17 Oktober 2023
Merauke, Tuesday, October 17, 2023 - PT Bio Inti Agrindo planted 100 fruit trees in key areas of its plantation. This activity is part of the Company's "Green Initiative" to enrich the plantation with fruits and plant life. Many residents in our plantations have been looking forward to this planting as it fills the operational areas with productive plants.
The Company planted four different types of fruit trees: mango, guava, starfruit, and kenitu (star apple), with 25 pots for each. The teams responsible for this program are the Sustainability team and the Planning team. The Planning team assisted the Sustainability team in identifying the best areas for planting activities. We focused on key areas across the estate such as cottages, pathways around employee housing, and guest dormitories.
Going forward, we hope to see the Sustainability and Planning teams collaborate again to implement this planting program in other plantations in PT BIA's concession.