27 July 2023
Jakarta, 27 Juli 2023 at Taman Wisata Alam (TWA) Angke Kapuk Jakarta – PT Bio Inti Agrindo Planted Mangroves within the TWA as part of its conservation efforts. The Director of TWA Ms. Ken Savitri Ambasari presented the President Director of PT BIA Mr. Hyun Chang Seop an award in recognition of the Company’s contributions to environmental conservation. Ms. Ambasari stated that they were delighted to host PT BIA for its annual mangrove planting program. Despite a brief gap during the Covid-19 quarantine period of 2020-2021, PT BIA has been carrying out its mangrove planting program since 2018 with this year being its fourth iteration.
Director Ken Savitri Ambasari would go on to explain the general role of mangroves in the area and how the planting of mangroves by PT BIA have greatly benefited the environment. “We are honored to have PT BIA return to carry out its annual mangrove planting program”, stated the TWA’s Director. “The mangroves that were previously planted by PT BIA continue to be a great boon for Taman Wisata Alam and have benefited the park greatly.”
The mangrove planting program saw the participation of PT BIA’s entire Jakarta Head Office employees with their bright pink shirts visible from a considerable distance away. “This mangrove planting is part of POSCO’s overall ‘green’ initiative”, remarked Director Hyun Chang Seop as he spoke to the employees present. “We have seen the state of mangroves progress so much in the past 10 years. Because of this we are extremely proud to be a part of such a development”. The environment cultivated as a result of these mangrove plantings has resulted in number of bird species migrating from Australia to Indonesia.
Aside from the mangrove planting program, PT BIA also has an active HCV preservation program dedicated to protecting the indigenous flora and fauna within its concession. In addition, the Company also has a dedicated social development program to assist in the upward economic mobility of the local communities in Merauke.
TWA’s staff guided the PT BIA employees to the planting site where many of PT BIA’s employees along with the upper management descended into the brackish water of the coast to plant mangroves. An entire column was reserved for PT BIA’s mangrove planting program. With PT BIA’s mangrove planting for 2023 firmly in the books, PT BIA and the TWA staff congratulated one another on a job well done.