Feedback from our stakeholders is the driving force in our efforts to realize fully sustainable operations.

We believe that the journey towards fully sustainable operations requires continuous maintenance and improvement. In this context, feedback from our stakeholders is valuable in measuring our progress in the implementation of the NDPE Policy.   

We have established a grievance procedure to facilitate our peers, buyers, suppliers, government institutions, non-government organizations, and other stakeholders in submitting any complaints and inputs on our operations.


PT.BIA’s grievance procedure was established so as to enable stakeholders to address grievances they may have towards the Company and the implementation of its NDPE Policy.

In compliance with the RSPO Complaints System, our grievance mechanism is designed to facilitate fair, reasonable, and timely response to any grievances without any retribution. We have developed a mechanism that is simple, understandable, and transparent with the involvement of the appropriate management level.





Grievances can be raised verbally/phone call, or writing on grievance log, email, physical letter, and online.

Grievance Log

No Date Summary Grievance Raiser Progress Source Status
1 August 19 2019 on 19 December 2019, through OECD mechanism the Korean NCP accepted a specific instance submitted by four civic groups including Korean Transnational Corporations Watch (KTNC Watch), PUSAKA, SKP KAME, and WALHI Papua related to the alleged violation of Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC), deforestation and river pollution, then Feb 12th, 2020 POSCO International submit their reposns , then March 9th 2020 complaint submitted the addition statement. Mediation processed is conducted 3 times during 17 march 2020 until June 23rd 2021, until the KNCP has announced final statement at 18 January 2022. (KTNC Watch), PUSAKA, SKP KAMe, and WALHI Papua View Progress
View Progress
2019.12.19 Four civic groups (KTNC Watch, PUSAKA, SKP-KAMe and WALHI Papua) submitted a complaint to KNCP regarding the development and production of palm oil.
2020.2.12 The company submitted their response to the complaint
2020.3.9 Complainant submitted an additional statement
2020.3.17 KNCP Initial Assessment results and mediation process is announced
2020.8.20 1st Mediation Committee meeting (explained implementation of NDPE policy, etc.)
2020.9.18 Initial assessment completed
2020.12.2 2nd Mediation Committee meeting (provided further explanations on implementation of NDPE policy and other inquiries)
2020.12.16 Parties agreed to further mediation procedures, extension of deadline
2021.6.23 3rd Mediation Committee meeting → an agreement was not reached
2021.11.1 Iin response to KNCP request, the company submits its opinion on the KNCP Final Statement draft
2022.1.18 KNCP Final Statement is announced
2022.1.18 The KNCP published its Final Statement on January 13, 2022. The statement indicated that KNCP did not accept the complainants' claim, but recommended that POSCO International should continue with its current efforts to implement active environmental and social policies and communicate with stakeholders in the future. In response, POSCO International submitted a performance report to KNCP on July 29, 2022, detailing the progress of their ESG activities, including the implementation of the NDPE policy in accordance with the recommendations.
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2 February 12 2020 on Feb 12th, 2020 "The case of the demolition of the sacred site of Yawantop, the indigenous community of Malind and Wambon Tekamerop". The letter was received and a field verification was immediately carried out. Following the field verirication, a stakeholder meeting with the head of the LMA, the customary community, and also the local government was held on February 20, 2020, the traditional ceremony ritual to restore the sanctity to the site was conducted on March 12, 2022, and replanting program was initiated on Saturday 2 April 2020 Yayasan Pusaka Bentala (Pusaka Foundation) View Progress
View Progress
2020.2.12 PT BIA received complaints from the Bentala Pusaka Foundation regarding the demolition of a sacred site of Yawantop, the Indigenous peoples of Malind and Wambon Tekamerop. Allegedely, the Company had destroyed sacred site used to perform traditional rituals. A field verification was immediately carried out and it was discovered that the area in question was a category HCV 4 area which according to the testimony of the Basik-Basik clan, was a natural well of 0.2 ha
2020.2.20 Public consultations related to the clarification and rehabilitation of high conservation value areas have been carried out with LMA, indigenous communties, and local NGOs with the consultations also being attended by local governments bringing the total attendance to 66 people.
2020.3.12 A traditional ceremony has been held between the clans involved, the company and also the local community. Followed by rehabilitation (replanting) with the plants requested by the clan on April 4, 2020.
2020.4.2 At present, the Case has been listed as Resolved and continues to be monitored by the HCV team who also collaborates with the VMT (Village Monitoring Team) that has been formed comprised of members of the indigenous community itself.
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General Complaint

After conducting an initial diagnosis of the incoming grievance, we finally decided to classify this as a general complaint category. Those majorities complaint were requests for assistance from the local community.

During 2022, we recorded 42 general complaints, which were requests for assistance from the community, including 43% requests for other health assistance, 29% funeral and 19% religious and cultural activities.

These requests are outside of the facilities and CSR activities that have been provided by the company such as education, health, rice incentives, monthly living expenses incentives and others.

However, PT BIA continues to communicate and actively respond to various requests from stakeholders through the communication team in the plantation under the grievance mechanism. We have several communication platforms that can be reached by stakeholders such as email, mail, and telephone or delivered directly.

In 2023, the company continued to maintain communication with local communities and received 12 requests for assistance including requests for religious and cultural, health, education and funeral